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Maybe you have done a lot of singing, know exactly what you want to record and are familiar with the recording process. That’s great and we’ll get a lot of songs recorded very quickly.

However, more commonly I work with singers who have never recorded before and need time to learn the process and settle in before doing their best performance.
I give help and advise on song choice, backing track, microphone technique, double tracking, harmonies and the general do’s and don’ts of a recording session.

I can also create a piano accompaniment if needed.

The studio is a safe space where we are not interrupted or overheard. I’ll take good care of you and we’ll make a great recording that you will be proud to play to others.

A singing student recording using headphones and microphone

Basic Recording Package

Four hour-long sessions where we record two songs.

The sessions are usually taken over the period of a month giving you time to make any adjustments or practice new things in-between.

The fee for this package is £260.

Once you have completed the basic package you can book further recording sessions for £50 per hour with a minimum session of 1.5hrs per song. At this point you know the ropes and there is not as much preparation required.

Gift Vouchers

The basic recording package is a wonderful gift to give.

Your friend or family member will receive a nice gift voucher and a message from me telling them what to expect on the day. They have 12 months to use the voucher and simply call me to book a time.

Four hours: £260
Two hours: £140

Online lessons via Zoom.

Severe weather, cars that won’t start, contagious illnesses etc are circumstances where we switch to an online lesson for that week.

Guidelines for setting up and using Zoom